The Remnants

...according to the election of grace


The Remnants Fellowship (a.k.a. Christian Network) is an interdenominational family fellowship and a non-profit making organization. It was founded by the Emmanuel Anyadike family on January 16, 2006, based on a series of revelations received by Mrs. Njideka Anyadike, a former banker, over a period of two years. It is for men and women, old and young, clergy and lay, who have been called as end time soldiers.

We are called to stir up, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the revival for the second coming of Christ. This we do by stirring up Christian Soldiers to take necessary steps towards the fulfillment of their individual purposes and in so doing they will fulfill the divine purpose this end time season. We believe that by successfully doing this, we will continually be equipping individuals and turning them loose to impact the world for Christ. It is our prayer that this brings glory to God and advances His Kingdom.
Our core values are P.U.R.E. and B.O.L.D.
Purity                                        Boldness
Unity                                         Orderliness
Righteousness                         Love
Excellence                                Diligence

The Remnants are those faithful soldiers of God, who are still standing despite the horrors of the invasion and ravaging of the enemy (2 Kgs 19:30-31). They are the chosen ones who will dare the enemy and go to any length to ensure that God’s will and His will alone is done. These have not bowed to nor kissed Baal (1Kgs 19: 18). They are Christ like which, according to Isaiah 11: 1 -5 means that they: 

  1. are the new Branch from the old root

  2. have the spirit of the Lord resting upon them

  3. have the fear of the Lord

  4. do not judge by appearance

  5. judge and rule with righteousness and justice

  6. are ready to come against Satan in spiritual warfare

  7. as warriors, have righteousness as their belt and faithfulness as their sash 

It is Remnants who will prepare the way for the coming of the King of kings who will establish that kingdom referred to as the New Heaven and New Earth in Isaiah 65:17 -25; a Kingdom that will bring total peace to the earth; rid of strife, where no one will hurt anyone else again (Isaiah 11:6 – 9). 

It is Remnants who will form a Unity Army for Christ: having same objectives, same focus. To them, all denominational walls in the body of Christ must be pulled down. They will have Jesus as the Commander-in-Chief (Isa. 11:12 – 14). 

God has assured Victory for these Remnants. Isa. 11:15-16 tells us that, as long as the Remnants are ready for action, the Lord of Hosts will straighten  all the crooked paths for them ,i.e. He will provide resources, labourers, time, energy, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, temperament, divine enablers and helpers etc.  So they will have no problem advancing against the enemy. 

In a nutshell, the vision of The Remnants is to start off the revival for the second coming of Christ. This will be achieved by stirring up Christian soldiers to take the necessary steps towards the fulfillment of the divine purpose (for end times) through the fulfillment of their individual purposes.

You may ask: why interdenominational, why family?

  1. Interdenominational: God created different denominations and ministries for particular assignments which together lead to the same goal. I Cor. 12: 12- 13 reads: For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ Eph. 4: 4-5 also affirms that there is only”… One body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism”. Christ Himself prayed in Jn. 17:23, that all believers “may be made Perfect in one”. It is only in ONENESS that we will be made perfect. Imagine the synergy anytime different Bible –believing church denominations assemble under the same roof God’s presence will spark like electric current. Unity in God’s kingdom will be achieved which will lead to an easier defeat of the enemy.

  2. Family: God wants us to go back to basics. Family is the nucleus of every society, office, etc. It is from the family that we root out evil. God commanded that children be taught from young age about Christ (Deut. 6:7; 11:19; Prov. 22:6). They should be made to enter into their purpose as quickly as possible. A family is a church. If you are called to the ministry, your family is your first congregation. It is important to have your family with you spiritually, because they may be the only ones who stand behind you in some circumstances. For a church to be complete it needs the ministries ( as stated in Eph. 4:11) to function in full. Take a second and imagine a family that prays together every day, with their giftings and ministries fully developed, what do you think will happen? The daily challenges of this family (in private and in the larger society) will be overcome much more easily even before they call for outside help. So in a fellowship of this nature all member of a family have the opportunity to grow in harmony.