Activities of The Remnants

1.         Through Bible messages, daily ministry practice, book reviews, audio/video teachings and interactive sessions; we get every member, young and old, to enter into his/her purpose and start operating in his/her giftings and ministry (practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect e.g. reading the Bible, worships, fellowships, will never make you a warrior until you fight the actual battle). Faith must be seen to go with works (James 2:24)  

2.         Organize seminars, conferences, workshops, outreaches and crusades for the larger society to educate them on how to live their daily life using God’s principles: e.g. changing the way we do things.  

-           Christian gift packs at parties (Bible and other Christian literature/materials). 

-           Prayer in the office (dedicating of business and every endeavor to God) 

-           Investment opportunities (film villages, Christian home video and films, Ipod, nightclubs etc). 

-           The Nehemiah/Gideon principles 

-           Interdenominational “pulpit exchange”. 


3.         Form or sponsor well trained crack teams against the enemy: We must be proactive. To expand your kingdom, you must move out to invade the enemy, not sitting in your comfort zone and getting defensive when the enemy attacks. God said we must war for our prophesies 1 Tim. 1:18 and contend with King Sihon to possess the land He had given to us, His children (Deut. 2:24). To crown it all, Jesus Himself said in Matt. 11:12 that only the violent taketh the kingdom of God by force! All idols in Nigeria must go, in Jesus  name. 

4.         Engage in aggressive ‘Jesus marketing’ e.g. each family to bring  at least 2 families to God every year (through intercession or direct contact) 

5.         Encourage people to go on missions (especially ones that tally with their ministries). It gives experience and spiritual growth. 

6.         Teach people how to enter into their inheritance. E.g. knowing the enemy, “wealth shift” practices, understanding generational sins, curses and covenants, dealing mercilessly with unrepentant household wickedness, achieving success in political and business endeavours (what to do) 

7.         Distribution of Christian materials and dissemination of information 

8.         Mentorship scheme 

Please note that we will avoid doctrine controversies because that will be judging.

My brethren, we see that we have a load of work to do. But God has assured us in Phil. 4:3

that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. You can walk on

water if you desire. So stretch! Spare not so that God can perform miracles through

you. God wants to use us to do the impossible. Are we ready to pay the price in our closets?

Can we take the pains? But that is why we are called to bear the painful cross.

That volcano that is rumbling in the inside of you, let it erupt. Do not tarry. The harvest is truly plenteous, we must join the labour force. Let us not be like the virgins who were pure, sanctified, holy, chosen; they were spirit filled, had access to the word of God, heaven-focused and involved in the end time revival, when the bridegroom would come, yet they lost out because they did not do the needful at the appointed time. Do we all have enough oil in our lamps to last us till the crucial moment? The decision is yours. 

God is in a hurry to conclude this end time business. He is ready to pour out His Spirit on anyone that as much as says “yes, send me” Training might not be as long as in the time past but the Remnants will be properly equipped for any assignment God will give them. 

God has laid His dynamites in all of us. We only need to strike the match and let the explosion scatter the fire of God all over the world. 

Several years ago, a prophecy went out that Nigeria will be the place where the revival for the second coming of Christ will be set off. Today, that prophecy is fulfilled. The chosen agents for this event are we, the believers. The vision has been written, we urge you to spring into action and run with it! 

God bless you as you join us in doing this Great Work.


 Weekly fellowships are held as follows:

  • Mondays at 6:00p.m.
  • Wednesdays at 10:00a.m.

Venue: 2a, Abike Animashaun Street, Off Durosinmi-Etti Street, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria.

Telephone: +234 808 434 0826