The Season For The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God

Romans 8:19 “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” 

Jesus is coming soon! Wither the Body of Christ? 

For the spiritually discerning, it is apparent that the end time season has properly set in. What with the earthquakes, volcanic ash emissions, tsunamis, climate change worries, global financial meltdown, air crashes, flooding, hurricanes and other disasters, natural and man-made. Constant threats to world peace abound all over the globe. 

In Nigeria, bloody clashes, kidnapping, militancy (and terrorism), overturning of the unrighteous… All these are indications that “summer is nigh….it is near, even at the doors” (Mt 24:32b, 33b).

Although there is an air of urgency in the air to accomplish her assignment within the appointed time the Body of Christ, unfortunately, seems to be, for the greater part, ignorant of the demands of this season, preferring to be occupied by “activities” instead of following God’s agenda.  Yet Jesus said in John 9:4 “I must do the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work” we must make haste to “do” now. God is furious about the delay in executing His divine purpose as He led me to Isaiah 56:8-11. Many people have been chosen to carry out certain assignments, which is their purpose in life, but they have chosen to work for God in their own way or in a lackadaisical manner. Whether we like it or not, God’s plans MUST come to fruition even if He has to raise stones to do them (God forbid that stones will do my assignment!)


God’s perfect plan is to partner with Man to carry out His agenda on earth (Gen 2:15, Amos 3:7). What a privilege! He gave Man authority and dominion over the earth after He created him (Gen 1:26)). But Man fell and passed on his God-given authority and dominion to satan who then became the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4, Luke 4: 5-7). God in His infinite wisdom, gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice to redeem the world; pay the total debt for sin, (past, present and future) and hand back authority and dominion to everyone that accepts Christ as the Saviour.  This redemption empowers every believer to reclaim every position and authority God had given to man on earth.  It is like a father going to the traffic authorities of a State to pay the fine for his son who infringed traffic laws. He comes back to the house and hands over the receipt for payment to the son who should go and reclaim his car.If the son does not make the trip to the traffic office to get back his car, he will perpetually trek and suffer all sorts of inconveniences until he takes back his car.  God is this father; satan is the traffic authorities, the fine paid is the blood of Jesus and the son in this analogy is we, the believers.  Man’s main assignment on this earth is to partner with God and rule and reign on the earth (Rev 5:10) by getting all areas and nations lost to satan back under God’s authority. This is what Christ set up the Church to accomplish.



Before He departed this earth, Christ assigned to His Body three basic roles that would accomplish the divine purpose on earth namely:

a.         ”Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13b) – Role of Dominion and Authority.

b.         “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” (Mathew 28:19) – Role of Evangelism

c.         “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come (Mathew 24:14) – Role of Task Accomplishment.

 From the above commissions Jesus has made His Church the Caretaker of the whole world and expects her to be “in charge” till His return. This she will do by going to all nations with the Good News and reconciling all nations to Christ. When she has accomplished this then shall the end come.

Over the years the Church has focused on the Role of Evangelism alone and worse still, the primary target has always been on disciplining individuals instead of nations as Jesus commanded. The result is that all nations of the world have been reached with the gospel,( over 2.1 billion of world population are Christians), yet evil still pervades the world. In Nigeria, the situation is pathetic. About 60% of the citizens are Christians, the streets are strewn with churches but Nigeria is always making the top list of corrupt nations. The reason this is so is that nations are not being discipled and the disciplining workforce has been depleted because, although the Scriptures have affirmed that every believer is a potential king and priest (Rev 5:10, Ex19:6), the Church has not trained the “Laity” to be kings and priests in their spheres of influence.

To disciple nations implies that we must impact the culture of such nations. To impact culture entails identifying and influencing all spheres of that society until godliness and godly virtues become their way of life, so that God’s Will is done there as it is in Heaven. For one to influence any sphere, he/she must be at, or around, the helm of affairs.

It has been established that there are seven spheres of influence that shape culture namely: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts and Culture, Economy (Business and Finance).  Believers are expected to invade these sectors, especially at the highest echelon and establish godly values.This suggests that the Church MUST train her members, who are the kings and priests, to rule at the top of these sectors.  A careful examination of the status quo reveals that the only place the Church has a grip at the top is Religion, which it shares with Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Out of ignorance she keeps drawing her best from the top of the other sectors.  As soon as a believer senses a call of God upon his/her life, he/she resigns from the secular job and becomes a pulpit Minister, while God wants that person to remain in that place and make a difference for Him.  There is so much brain drain from these six sectors to the Religion sector that almost all such positions have been abandoned to the Devil. What a pity!





1.         Understanding The Season




            Currently, we are in a crucible season where:


  • God is bringing the Old Testament and New Testament principles to fuse together

  • God and creation are waiting for the manifestation of His sons

  • God is merging the spiritual with the physical

  • The eternal will “consume” the secular

  • The Spirit will rule the soul and body

  • God is abasing the wicked and exalting the righteous

  • The rule of God – Theocracy – will be re-established

  • Prophecy will play a major role


Indeed A NEW WORLD ORDER has emerged where God’s people will reign supreme in all spheres of influence!


Understanding the seasons helps us to flow with God’s agenda.


2.         Training


The Church MUST, as a matter of urgency prepare her flock for the new thing that God is doing. Members must be trained to:


  1. Prayerfully discover their divine purpose

  2. Understand the seasons (e.g. apart from No. 1 above, it is still Nigeria’s jubilee season – explain the benefits to members)

  3. Regularly STUDY the Bible; Tarry before God (Quiet Time)

  4. Go through discipleship classes

  5. Be versed in spiritual warfare (Strategic and prophetic) so they can use the power of God to overcome in everyday situation

  6. Reclaim the Market place

  7. Disciple nations

  8. See work as Worship

  9. Eliminate systemic poverty








3.         Church Unity


The Church, in its present form is ravaged by division, compartmentalization, rancor and is beset with sin. These go against the principles of our faith. The scripture is replete with God’s call for us to be in unity.  Jesus Christ Himself prayed in John 17:23 that all believers “May be made perfect in one”. Eph 4:4-5 affirms that there is only ” Body and one Lord, one faith, one baptism”


For the Body of Christ to have total victory over satan on earth, she must have unity of purpose, love and harmony before God can give her the heathens/nations for her inheritance (Ps 2:8). God is not against Church unity as some Church leaders are propagating. Church unity is not merging of church denominations. It is the Body acting in unity.  God is not against it because in 1 Cor.12: 12-13a (TLB) the word of God acknowledges: “Our bodies have many parts (i.e. denominations), but the many parts make up only one body when they are all put together, so it is with the Body of Christ.  Each of us is a part of the one body of Christ.Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But the Holy Spirit has fitted us all together into one body. “We have been baptized into Christ’s Body by the one Spirit, and have all been given that same Holy Spirit.”  There might be some of us (denominations) which may not be worshiping God the way  WE FEEL they should, do not hate them because God commands us to love  everybody (including our enemies). We cannot change them either, but we can pray for them in love until the Spirit of God convicts them of any wrong they are doing. It is therefore very important that, in preaching, we do not antagonize people of other denominations so that, when the need arises, we can share our materials from where they will get the truth which will set them free!


4.         Prayer Canopies


There would be no manifestations of the sons of God unless there is travail in prayer. Prayer canopies (cells) have to be set up for all the activities above (and more) to be achieved.  A revival will ensue, for example, if Churches adopt streets, schools, businesses and issues around them and pray for them daily and do prayer walks. Blessings of God will start tumbling upon such areas and suffering will be reduced while progress and development will be recorded. A 24-hour inter-denominational altar for communities, States and Federal Government should be set up if the Church wants to execute its role as a Transformer of Nations.
















I reiterate here that we are in a new season where God is “taking over” by reconciling nature to Himself. He has given man the privilege of partnering with Him to bring His plans to pass. His eyes are roaming to and fro the earth searching for kingly priests i.e. Apostles in the Market place; men and women of faith through whom He can accomplish the impossible.  He is so hungry to showcase His glory and power that any believer who is willing to join this partnership will do exploits. HE IS WAITING!


I want to declare to the Church that THE DAY HAS FULLY COME!!! You do not need to see the physical manifestation to believe it.  It is at your doorstep. If you open your door to its knock it will embrace you. Arise and step into your destiny as God and creature await for your manifestation as sons of God. As many as heed this call will see the glory of God manifest in their lives.


Draw up your action plan now and GO!!!!


God bless us all